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Evaluation of supervised multimodal prehabilitation programme in cancer patients undergoing colorectal resection: a randomized control trial.

Author(s): Bousquet-Dion G, Awasthi R, Loiselle SÈ, Minnella EM, Agnihotram RV, Bergdahl A, Carli F, Scheede-Bergdahl C

Acta Oncol. 2018 Jun;57(6):849-859 Authors: Bousquet-Dion G, Awasthi R, Loiselle SÈ, Minnella EM, Agnihotram RV, Bergdahl A, Carli F, Scheede-Bergdahl C

Article GUID: 29327644

Maximizing patient adherence to prehabilitation: what do the patients say?

Author(s): Ferreira V, Agnihotram RV, Bergdahl A, van Rooijen SJ, Awasthi R, Carli F, Scheede-Bergdahl C

Support Care Cancer. 2018 Aug;26(8):2717-2723 Authors: Ferreira V, Agnihotram RV, Bergdahl A, van Rooijen SJ, Awasthi R, Carli F, Scheede-Bergdahl C

Article GUID: 29478189

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