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Facilitation strength across environmental and beneficiary trait gradients in stream communities

Author(s): Tumolo BB; Albertson LK; Daniels MD; Cross WF; Sklar LL;

Ecosystem engineers modify habitats in ways that facilitate other community members by ameliorating harsh conditions. The strength of such facilitation is predicted to be influenced by both beneficiary traits and abiotic context. One key trait of animals that could control the strength of facilitation is beneficiary body size because it should determine h ...

Article GUID: 37555442

Aquatic macroinvertebrates stabilize gravel bed sediment: A test using silk net-spinning caddisflies in semi-natural river channels.

Author(s): Albertson LK, Sklar LS, Cooper SD, Cardinale BJ

PLoS One. 2019;14(1):e0209087 Authors: Albertson LK, Sklar LS, Cooper SD, Cardinale BJ

Article GUID: 30601831

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