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Challenges and promises of big team comparative cognition

Author(s): Alessandroni N; Altschul D; Baumgartner HA; Bazhydai M; Brosnan SF; Byers-Heinlein K; Call J; Chittka L; Elsherif M; Espinosa J; Freeman MS; Gjoneska B; Güntürkün O; Huber L; Krasheninnikova A; Mazza V; Miller R; Moreau D; Nawroth C; Pronizius E; Ruiz-Fernández S; Schwing R; Šlipogor V; Visser I; ...

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39695249

Infants' Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study

Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...

Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...

Article GUID: 39600132

An Ecological Approach to Conceptual Thinking in Material Engagement

Author(s): Alessandroni N; Malafouris L; Gallagher S;

Although post-cognitivist approaches have shaken the status quo by emphasising the dynamic interactions among the brain, the body, and the environment in cognition, mainstream psychological theories continue to view concepts as primarily representational or skull-bound mental phenomena. As a result, the dynamics of action and the possible impact of materi ...

Article GUID: 39118997

Materiality and Cognitive Development: Contemporary Debates and Empirical Studies in Early Childhood

Author(s): Alessandroni N; Ferreira JM;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39118996

How to build up big team science: a practical guide for large-scale collaborations

Author(s): Baumgartner HA; Alessandroni N; Byers-Heinlein K; Frank MC; Hamlin JK; Soderstrom M; Voelkel JG; Willer R; Yuen F; Coles NA;

The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of big team science (BTS), endeavours where a comparatively large number of researchers pool their intellectual and/or material resources in pursuit of a common goal. Despite this burgeoning interest, there exists little guidance on how to create, man ...

Article GUID: 37293356

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