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Estrogen receptors observed at extranuclear neuronal sites and in glia in the nucleus accumbens core and shell of the female rat: Evidence for localization to catecholaminergic and GABAergic neurons

Author(s): Almey A; Milner TA; Brake WG;

Estrogens affect dopamine-dependent diseases/behavior and have rapid effects on dopamine release and receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Low levels of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER) a and ERß are seen in the NAc, which cannot account for the rapid effects of estrogens in this region. G-protein coupled ER 1 (GPER1) is observed at low leve ...

Article GUID: 35397175

The priming effect of food persists following blockade of dopamine receptors.

Author(s): Evangelista C, Hantson A, Shams WM, Almey A, Pileggi M, Voisard JR, Boulos V, Al-Qadri Y, Gonzalez Cautela BV, Zhou FX, Duchemin J, Habrich A, Tito N, Koumrouyan RA, Patel S, Lorenc V, Gagne C, El Oufi K, Shizgal P, Brake WG

Eur J Neurosci. 2019 Jul 27;: Authors: Evangelista C, Hantson A, Shams WM, Almey A, Pileggi M, Voisard JR, Boulos V, Al-Qadri Y, Gonzalez Cautela BV, Zhou FX, Duchemin J, Habrich A, Tito N, Koumrouyan RA, Patel S, Lorenc V, Gagne C, El Oufi K, Shizgal P, Brake WG

Article GUID: 31350860

Estrogen receptor α and G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 are localized to GABAergic neurons in the dorsal striatum.

Author(s): Almey A, Milner TA, Brake WG

Neurosci Lett. 2016 05 27;622:118-23 Authors: Almey A, Milner TA, Brake WG

Article GUID: 27080432

Interactions between estradiol and haloperidol on perseveration and reversal learning in amphetamine-sensitized female rats.

Author(s): Almey A, Arena L, Oliel J, Shams WM, Hafez N, Mancinelli C, Henning L, Tsanev A, Brake WG

Horm Behav. 2017 03;89:113-120 Authors: Almey A, Arena L, Oliel J, Shams WM, Hafez N, Mancinelli C, Henning L, Tsanev A, Brake WG

Article GUID: 28062232

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