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Simulated Gambling: An Explorative Study Based on a Representative Survey

Author(s): Fiedler I; Ante L; Meduna MV; Steinmetz F; Kairouz S; Costes JM;

Gambling usually involves wagering real money but can also be conducted with virtual money, chips, or coins. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as simulated gambling, social gambling, or play money gambling. This study explores correlations and transitions between simulated gambling and real money gambling with an emphasis on gambling-related harms ...

Article GUID: 36757603

We're building it up to burn it down: fire occurrence and fire-related climatic patterns in Brazilian biomes

Author(s): Diele Viegas LM; Sales L; Hipólito J; Amorim C; Johnson de Pereira E; Ferreira P; Folta C; Ferrante L; Fearnside P; Mendes Malhado AC; Frederico Duarte Rocha C; M Vale M;

Background: Terrestrial biomes in South America are likely to experience a persistent increase in environmental temperature, possibly combined with moisture reduction due to climate change. In addition, natural fire ignition sources, such as lightning, can become more frequent un ...

Article GUID: 36312759

Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients.

Author(s): Thombs BD, Kwakkenbos L, Carrier ME, Bourgeault A, Tao L, Harb S, Gagarine M, Rice D, Bustamante L, Ellis K, Duchek D, Wu Y, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Carboni-Jiménez A, Henry RS, Krishnan A, Sun Y, Levis B, He C, Turner KA, Benedetti A, C ...

J Psychosom Res. 2020 May 14;135:110132 Authors: Thombs BD, Kwakkenbos L, Carrier ME, Bourgeault A, Tao L, Harb S, Gagarine M, Rice D, Bustamante L, Ellis K, Duchek D, Wu Y, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Carboni-Jiménez A, Henry RS, Krishnan A, Sun Y, Levis B, He C, Turner KA, Benedetti A, Culos- ...

Article GUID: 32521358

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