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Early Socio-Emotional Difficulty as a Childhood Barrier to the Expected Benefits of Active Play: Associated Risks for School Engagement in Adolescence

Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Archambault I; Correale L; Pagani LS;

Active play allows children to develop social and cognitive skills, which could lead to higher school engagement. Little is known about the role of child socioemotional difficulty in these associations. This study aims to examine the interaction between active play and socioemotional difficulty in childhood and their prospective association with academic ...

Article GUID: 39457326

A longitudinal person-centered representation of elementary students' motivation: Do perceptions of parent and teacher achievement goals matter?

Author(s): Nadon L; Morin AJS; Olivier E; Archambault I; Smodis McCune V; Tóth-Király I;

This study utilized a longitudinal person-centered approach to investigate how children's achievement goals combine with the goals held for them by their parents and teachers to form unique achievement goal profiles among a sample of 619 elementary school students (Mage = 9.782; 52.5% female; 79.2% first- and second-generation immigrants) from low SES ...

Article GUID: 37689436

Profiles of Anxious and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: Associations with Coping Strategies

Author(s): Olivier E; Morin AJS; Tardif-Grenier K; Archambault I; Dupéré V; Hébert C;

Most existing studies investigating profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls do not consider the high cooccurrence between them, which prevents from identifying how heterogeneous groups might distinctly use coping strategies. To address this gap, the current study relies on a sample of 976 adolescents (56.0% girls (n = 547) ...

Article GUID: 35038084

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