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Targeted density electrode placement achieves high concordance with traditional high-density EEG for electrical source imaging in epilepsy

Author(s): Horrillo-Maysonnial A; Avigdor T; Abdallah C; Mansilla D; Thomas J; von Ellenrieder N; Royer J; Bernhardt B; Grova C; Gotman J; Frauscher B;

Objective: High-density (HD) electroencephalography (EEG) is increasingly used in presurgical epilepsy evaluation, but it is demanding in time and resources. To overcome these issues, we compared EEG source imaging (ESI) solutions with a targeted density and HD-EEG montage. Methods: HD-EEGs from ...

Article GUID: 37704552

Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.

Author(s): Avigdor T, Abdallah C, von Ellenrieder N, Hedrich T, Rubino A, Lo Russo G, Bernhardt B, Nobili L, Grova C, Frauscher B

OBJECTIVE: Fast Oscillations (FO) >40 Hz are a promising biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Evidence using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) remains scarce. We assessed if electrical source imaging of FO using 256-channel high-density EEG (HD-EEG) is useful for EZ identification. METHODS: ...

Article GUID: 33450578

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