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Predicting Parkinson's disease trajectory using clinical and functional MRI features: A reproduction and replication study

Author(s): Germani E; Bhagwat N; Dugré M; Gau R; Montillo AA; Nguyen KP; Sokolowski A; Sharp M; Poline JB; Glatard T;

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder with a poorly understood physiopathology and no established biomarkers for the diagnosis of early stages and for prediction of disease progression. Several neuroimaging biomarkers have been studied recently, but these are suscept ...

Article GUID: 39982930

Longitudinal brain structure changes in Parkinson's disease: A replication study

Author(s): Sokolowski A; Bhagwat N; Chatelain Y; Dugré M; Hanganu A; Monchi O; McPherson B; Wang M; Poline JB; Sharp M; Glatard T;

Context: An existing major challenge in Parkinson's disease (PD) research is the identification of biomarkers of disease progression. While magnetic resonance imaging is a potential source of PD biomarkers, none of the magnetic resonance imaging measures of PD are robust enough to warrant the ...

Article GUID: 38295031

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