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Thermotolerance in S. cerevisiae as a model to study extracellular vesicle biology

Author(s): Logan CJ; Staton CC; Oliver JT; Bouffard J; Kazmirchuk TDD; Magi M; Brett CL;

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a proven model organism for elucidating conserved eukaryotic biology, but to date its extracellular vesicle (EV) biology is understudied. Here, we show yeast transmit information through the extracellular medium that increases survival when confronted with heat stress and demonstrate the EV-enriched samples me ...

Article GUID: 38711329

Functional Synthetic Biology

Author(s): Aldulijan I; Beal J; Billerbeck S; Bouffard J; Chambonnier G; Ntelkis N; Guerreiro I; Holub M; Ross P; Selvarajah V; Sprent N; Vidal G; Vignoni A;

Synthetic biologists have made great progress over the past decade in developing methods for modular assembly of genetic sequences and in engineering biological systems with a wide variety of functions in various contexts and organisms. However, current paradigms in the field entangle sequence an ...

Article GUID: 37073284

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