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International interlaboratory study to normalize liquid chromatography-based mycotoxin retention times through implementation of a retention index system

Author(s): Kelman MJ; Renaud JB; McCarron P; Hoogstra S; Chow W; Wang J; Varga E; Patriarca A; Vaya AM; Visintin L; Nguyen T; De Boevre M; De Saeger S; Karanghat V; Vuckovic D; McMullin DR; Dall' Asta C; Ayeni K; Warth B; Huang M; Tittlemier S ...

Monitoring for mycotoxins in food or feed matrices is necessary to ensure the safety and security of global food systems. Due to a lack of standardized methods and individual laboratory priorities, most institutions have developed their own methods for mycotoxin determinations. Given the diversit ...

Article GUID: 39913989

The eIF2α Kinase GCN2 Modulates Period and Rhythmicity of the Circadian Clock by Translational Control of Atf4.

Author(s): Pathak SS, Liu D, Li T, de Zavalia N, Zhu L, Li J, Karthikeyan R, Alain T, Liu AC, Storch KF, Kaufman RJ, Jin VX, Amir S, Sonenberg N, Cao R

Neuron. 2019 Aug 26;: Authors: Pathak SS, Liu D, Li T, de Zavalia N, Zhu L, Li J, Karthikeyan R, Alain T, Liu AC, Storch KF, Kaufman RJ, Jin VX, Amir S, Sonenberg N, Cao R

Article GUID: 31522764

Light-regulated translational control of circadian behavior by eIF4E phosphorylation.

Author(s): Cao R, Gkogkas CG, de Zavalia N, Blum ID, Yanagiya A, Tsukumo Y, Xu H, Lee C, Storch KF, Liu AC, Amir S, Sonenberg N

Nat Neurosci. 2015 Jun;18(6):855-62 Authors: Cao R, Gkogkas CG, de Zavalia N, Blum ID, Yanagiya A, Tsukumo Y, Xu H, Lee C, Storch KF, Liu AC, Amir S, Sonenberg N

Article GUID: 25915475

mTOR signaling in VIP neurons regulates circadian clock synchrony and olfaction

Author(s): Liu D; Stowie A; de Zavalia N; Leise T; Pathak SS; Drewes LR; Davidson AJ; Amir S; Sonenberg N; Cao R;

Mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling controls cell growth, proliferation, and metabolism in dividing cells. Less is known regarding its function in postmitotic neurons in the adult brain. Here we created a conditional mTOR knockout mouse model to address this question. Using ...

Article GUID: 29555746

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