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Sleep neuroimaging: Review and future directions

Author(s): Pereira M; Chen X; Paltarzhytskaya A; Pache?o Y; Muller N; Bovy L; Lei X; Chen W; Ren H; Song C; Lewis LD; Dang-Vu TT; Czisch M; Picchioni D; Duyn J; Peigneux P; Tagliazucchi E; Dresler M;

Sleep research has evolved considerably since the first sleep electroencephalography recordings in the 1930s and the discovery of well-distinguishable sleep stages in the 1950s. While electrophysiological recordings have been used to describe the sleeping brain in much detail, since the 1990s neu ...

Article GUID: 39940102

A polygenic score for acute vaso-occlusive pain in pediatric sickle cell disease

Author(s): Rampersaud E; Kang G; Palmer LE; Rashkin SR; Wang S; Bi W; Alberts NM; Anghelescu D; Barton M; Birch K; Boulos N; Brandow AM; Brooke RJ; Chang TC; Chen W; Cheng Y; Ding J; Easton J; Hodges JR; Kanne CK; Levy S; Mulder H; Patel AP; Puri L ...

Individuals with monogenic disorders can experience variable phenotypes that are influenced by genetic variation. To investigate this in sickle cell disease (SCD), we performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of 722 individuals with hemoglobin HbSS or HbSß0-thalassemia from Baylor College of Medici ...

Article GUID: 34283174

Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus.

Author(s): de Vries RP, Riley R, Wiebenga A, Aguilar-Osorio G, Amillis S, Uchima CA, Anderluh G, Asadollahi M, Askin M, Barry K, Battaglia E, Bayram Ö, Benocci T, Braus-Stromeyer SA, Caldana C, Cánovas D, Cerqueira GC, Chen F, Chen W, Choi C, Clum ...

Genome Biol. 2017 02 14;18(1):28 Authors: de Vries RP, Riley R, Wiebenga A, Aguilar-Osorio G, Amillis S, Uchima CA, Anderluh G, Asadollahi M, Askin M, Barry K, Battaglia E, Bayram Ö, Benocci T, Braus-Stromeyer SA, Caldana C, Cánovas D, Cerqueira GC, Chen F, Chen W, Choi C, Clum A, Dos ...

Article GUID: 28196534

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