Author(s): Kakinami L; Danieles PK; Hosseininasabnajar F; Barnett TA; Henderson M; Van Hulst A; Serbin LA; Stack DM; Paradis G;
Background: The longitudinal relation between parenting practices and styles with children's body mass index z-scores (zBMI) is poorly understood. Previous studies suggest the relationship may be complex, but small samples and short follow-ups diminish the strength of the evidence. The object ...
Article GUID: 37248489
Author(s): Ybarra M; Danieles PK; Barnett TA; Mathieu MÈ; Van Hulst A; Drouin O; Kakinami L; Bigras JL; Henderson M;
Objectives: Obesity is the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in children. We developed a 2-year lifestyle intervention for youth at risk of CVD. We assessed changes in body mass index z-scores (zBMI) and key cardiometabolic risk factors, physical fitness, and capacity am ...
Article GUID: 34992701
Author(s): Kakinami L; Danieles PK; Ajibade K; Santosa S; Murphy J;
Objective: Classifying adiposity based on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) muscle and fat mass phenotypes has been proposed. Whether these phenotypes are more accurate in predicting cardiometabolic risk than BMI weight status is unknown. Methods: Data were from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; 1999-2006 cycles, n = 5,47 ...
Article GUID: 34231966
Author(s): Danieles PK; Ybarra M; Van Hulst A; Barnett TA; Mathieu MÈ; Kakinami L; Drouin O; Bigras JL; Henderson M;
Introduction: Attrition in pediatric weight management programs is notoriously high. Greater understanding of its determinants is needed to inform retention strategies. We identified determinants of attrition in CIRCUIT, a healthy lifestyle intervention program for youth at risk of cardiovascular ...
Article GUID: 33608233
Author(s): Côté-Lussier C, Kakinami L, Danieles PK
Ego-centered relative neighborhood deprivation and reported dietary habits among youth.
Appetite. 2019 Jan 01;132:267-274
Authors: Côté-Lussier C, Kakinami L, Danieles PK
Dietary habits are important precursors of childhood obesity. Youths' dietary habits may be constrained by the experience of deprivation due to social (e.g., ...
Article GUID: 30473022
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