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An intensive longitudinal investigation of maternal and infant touching patterns across context and throughout the first 9-months of life

Author(s): Mercuri M; Stack DM; De France K; Jean ADL; Fogel A;

Touch is a central component of mothers' and infants' everyday interactions and the formation of a healthy mother-infant relationship. Twelve mothers and their full-term infants from the Midwest, USA participated in the present study, which examined the quality and quantity of their touching behaviors longitudinally at 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-months ...

Article GUID: 37337452

Relationship Quality and Mental Health Implications for Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Longitudinal Study

Author(s): Afriat M; De France K; Stack DM; Serbin LA; Hollenstein T;

Although parent-adolescent and peer-adolescent relationship quality are critical for adolescent wellbeing during typical stressful life events, the unique features of the COVID-19 pandemic put into question whether strong parent-adolescent and peer-adolescent relationship quality functioned as protective factors of adolescent mental health in this context ...

Article GUID: 36714376

Associations between early poverty exposure and adolescent well-being: The role of childhood negative emotionality

Author(s): De France K; Stack DM; Serbin LA;

Using a longitudinal design (Wave 1 n = 164, Mage = 3.57 years, 54% female, predominantly White and French-speaking), the current study sought to answer two questions: 1) does poverty influence children's negative emotionality through heightened family-level, poverty-related stress? and 2) is negative emotionality, in turn, predictive of adolescent in ...

Article GUID: 36039975

Childhood poverty and psychological well-being: The mediating role of cumulative risk exposure.

Author(s): Evans GW, De France K

The current study assessed whether the proportion of childhood (age 0-9 years) in poverty altered the developmental trajectories (ages 9-24) of multimethodological indicators of psychological well-being. In addition, we tested whether exposure to cumulative risk over time mediated the association between poverty exposure and psychological well-being. Meas ...

Article GUID: 33526153

Implicit theories of emotion and mental health during adolescence: the mediating role of emotion regulation.

Author(s): De France K, Hollenstein T

Despite strong evidence of the influence of implicit theories of emotion (ITE) on mental health symptoms among adult samples, scant attention has been paid to this important relation during adolescence. Moreover, it remains unclear which proximal processes may help to explain the link between ITE and mental health. As such, the current study had two objec ...

Article GUID: 32893732

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