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Identification and comprehensive characterization of moral disapproval and behavioral dysregulation-based pornography-use profiles across 42 countries

Author(s): Bothe B; Tóth-Király I; Popova N; Nagy L; Koós M; Demetrovics Z; Potenza MN; Kraus SW; Ballester-Arnal R; Batthyány D; Bergeron S; Billieux J; Briken P; Burkauskas J; Cárdenas-López G; Carvalho J; Castro-Calvo J; Chen L; Ciocca G; Corazz ...

Background and aims: The Moral Incongruence Model of Pornography Use proposes that pornography-use-related problems may be present due to problematic pornography use (PPU) and/or moral disapproval (MD) of pornography use. Despite some supporting empirical evidence, no study has tested the presenc ...

Article GUID: 39945767

Sensation seeking, drinking motives, and going out mediate the link between eveningness and alcohol use and problems in adolescence

Author(s): Rigó A; Tóth-Király I; Magi A; Eisinger A; Demetrovics Z; Urbán R;

The present study was aimed at obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of the possible mediating factors in the morningness-eveningness ? alcohol consumption relation. We explored the role of mediators such as sensation seeking, the frequency of going out in the evenings, and drinking motives. We tested the proposed mediation model via structural equ ...

Article GUID: 37722395

Are sexual functioning problems associated with frequent pornography use and/or problematic pornography use? Results from a large community survey including males and females.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Griffiths MD, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

There is much debate regarding whether pornography use has positive or negative associations with sexuality-related measures such as sexual functioning problems. The present study aimed to examine differential correlates between quantity (frequency of pornography use-FPU) and severity (problematic pornography use-PPU) of pornography use with respect to se ...

Article GUID: 32810799

High-Frequency Pornography Use May Not Always Be Problematic.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

J Sex Med. 2020 Feb 04;: Authors: Bőthe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

Article GUID: 32033863

The Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6): A Reliable and Valid Measure in General and Treatment-Seeking Populations.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Demetrovics Z, Orosz G

The Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6): A Reliable and Valid Measure in General and Treatment-Seeking Populations.

J Sex Res. 2020 Jan 29;:1-11

Authors: Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Demetrovics Z, Orosz G

To date, no short scale existed that could assess problematic pornography us ...

Article GUID: 31995398

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