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Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)

Author(s): Chertkow H; Phillips N; Rockwood K; Anderson N; Andrew MK; Bartha R; Beaudoin C; BĂ©langer N; Bellec P; Belleville S; Bergman H; Best S; Bethell J; Bherer L; Black S; Borrie M; Camicioli R; Carrier J; Cashman N; Chan S; Crowshoe L; Cuello ...

The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) was created by the Canadian federal government through its health research funding agency, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), in 2014, as a response to the G7 initiative to fight dementia. Two five-year funding cycles ( ...

Article GUID: 39636028

Arthritis is associated with high nutritional risk among older Canadian adults from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Author(s): Bennett R; Demmers TA; Plourde H; Arrey K; Armour B; Ferland G; Kakinami L;

This study assessed the association between arthritis, functional impairment, and nutritional risk (NR). Cross-sectional data were from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, a nationally representative sample of 45-85-year-old community-dwelling Canadians (n = 41,153). The abbreviated Seniors in the Community: Risk Evaluating for Eating and Nutrition ...

Article GUID: 38734730

The Association Between Dietary Pattern Adherence, Cognitive Stimulating Lifestyle, and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults From the Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging

Author(s): Parrott MD; Carmichael PH; Laurin D; Greenwood CE; Anderson ND; Ferland G; Gaudreau P; Belleville S; Morais JA; Kergoat MJ; Fiocco AJ;

Objective: This study examined the effect of dietary patterns and engagement in cognitive stimulating lifestyle behaviours on trajectory of global cognition, executive function (EF), and verbal episodic memory (VEM). Method: Western and prudent dietary patterns were empirically derived using foo ...

Article GUID: 33063101

Sex differences in the relationship between dietary pattern adherence and cognitive function among older adults: findings from the NuAge study.

Author(s): D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Greenwood CE, Ferland G, Gaudreau P, Belleville S, Laurin D, Anderson ND, Kergoat MJ, Morais JA, Presse N, Fiocco AJ,

Nutr J. 2020 Jun 20;19(1):58 Authors: D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Greenwood CE, Ferland G, Gaudreau P, Belleville S, Laurin D, Anderson ND, Kergoat MJ, Morais JA, Presse N, Fiocco AJ

Article GUID: 32563260

Identifying Barriers of Arthritis-Related Disability on Food Behaviors to Guide Nutrition Interventions

Author(s): Bennett R; Demmers TA; Plourde H; Arrey K; Armour B; Ferland G; Kakinami L;

Objective: To describe the impact of arthritis-related disability on aspects of food insecurity and to gain insight into the incentives and barriers to participating in a nutrition intervention. Design: Four focus groups were held in April to May, 2018. Participants completed questionnaires about socioeconomic status, diet, and health. Setting: The Perf ...

Article GUID: 31399331

A systematic review of existing peripheral biomarkers of cognitive aging: Is there enough evidence for biomarker proxies in behavioral modification interventions?: An initiative in association with the nutrition, exercise and lifestyle team of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging.

Author(s): Fiocco AJ, Krieger L, D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Laurin D, Gaudreau P, Greenwood C, Ferland G

Ageing Res Rev. 2019 Jul;52:72-119 Authors: Fiocco AJ, Krieger L, D'Amico D, Parrott MD, Laurin D, Gaudreau P, Greenwood C, Ferland G

Article GUID: 31059801

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