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Factors influencing older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion: A rapid review

Author(s): Turcotte S; Bouchard C; Rousseau J; DeBroux Leduc R; Bier N; Kairy D; Dang-Vu TT; Sarimanukoglu K; Dubé F; Bourgeois Racine C; Rioux C; Shea C; Filiatrault J;

Objective: To identify facilitators and barriers to older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion. Methods: Relevant articles were searched using keywords in Embase and MEDLINE. Study characteristics, type of telehealth interventions and ...

Article GUID: 38014903

The Association between Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Subthreshold Anxiety Symptoms and Fear of Falling among Older Adults: Preliminary Results from a Pilot Study.

Author(s): Payette MC, Bélanger C, Benyebdri F, Filiatrault J, Bherer L, Bertrand JA, Nadeau A, Bruneau MA, Clerc D, Saint-Martin M, Cruz-Santiago D, Ménard C, Nguyen P, Vu TTM, Comte F, Bobeuf F, Grenier S

Clin Gerontol. 2017 May-Jun;40(3):197-206 Authors: Payette MC, Bélanger C, Benyebdri F, Filiatrault J, Bherer L, Bertrand JA, Nadeau A, Bruneau MA, Clerc D, Saint-Martin M, Cruz-Santiago D, Ménard C, Nguyen P, Vu TTM, Comte F, Bobeuf F, Grenier S

Article GUID: 28452660

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