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The pleasurable urge to move to music is unchanged in people with musical anhedonia

Author(s): Romkey ID; Matthews T; Foster N; Dalla Bella S; Penhune VB;

In cognitive science, the sensation of "groove" has been defined as the pleasurable urge to move to music. When listeners rate rhythmic stimuli on derived pleasure and urge to move, ratings on these dimensions are highly correlated. However, recent behavioural and brain imaging work has shown that these two components may be separable. To examine this pot ...

Article GUID: 39774498

Rhythm and Melody Tasks for School-Aged Children With and Without Musical Training: Age-Equivalent Scores and Reliability

Author(s): Ireland K; Parker A; Foster N; Penhune V;

Measuring musical abilities in childhood can be challenging. When music training and maturation occur simultaneously, it is difficult to separate the effects of specific experience from age-based changes in cognitive and motor abilities. The goal of this study was to develop age-equivalent scores for two measures of musical ability that could be reliably ...

Article GUID: 29674984

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