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Effects of language mixing on bilingual children's word learning

Author(s): Byers-Heinlein K; Jardak A; Fourakis E; Lew-Williams C;

Language mixing is common in bilingual children's learning environments. Here, we investigated effects of language mixing on children's learning of new words. We tested two groups of 3-year-old bilinguals: French-English (Experiment 1) and Spanish-English (Experiment 2). Children were taught two novel words, one in single-language sentences ("Look ...

Article GUID: 35399292

Fine-tuning language discrimination: Bilingual and monolingual infants' detection of language switching

Author(s): Schott E; Mastroberardino M; Fourakis E; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;

The ability to differentiate between two languages sets the stage for bilingual learning. Infants can discriminate languages when hearing long passages, but language switches often occur on short time scales with few cues to language identity. As bilingual infants begin learning sequences of sounds and words, how do they detect the dynamics of two languag ...

Article GUID: 34482624

Bilingual toddlers' comprehension of mixed sentences is asymmetrical across their two languages.

Author(s): Potter CE, Fourakis E, Morin-Lessard E, Byers-Heinlein K, Lew-Williams C

Dev Sci. 2018 Dec 23;:e12794 Authors: Potter CE, Fourakis E, Morin-Lessard E, Byers-Heinlein K, Lew-Williams C

Article GUID: 30582256

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