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5P Risk Classification Predicts Performance on Self-Reported but Not Objective Clinical Outcomes at 4-Weeks Post-Concussion in Children

Author(s): Teel E; Brossard-Racine M; Corbin-Berrigan LA; Gagnon I;

Objective: To determine if performance on symptom, cognitive, balance, fatigue, physical activity, and quality of life outcomes at 4-weeks post-injury in children with concussion differs based on acute 5P risk classification. Design: Prospective cohort. Setting: Laboratory. Patients: Sixty-two children (age: 13.27 ± 2.50 years; 29 (46.7%) females) with ...

Article GUID: 39988038

An At-Home, Virtually Administered Graded Exertion Protocol for Use in Concussion Management: Preliminary Evaluation of Safety and Feasibility for Determining Clearance to Return to High-Intensity Exercise in Healthy Youth and Children With Subacute Concussion

Author(s): Teel E; Alarie C; Swaine B; Cook NE; Iverson GL; Gagnon I;

Graded exertion testing (GXT) is an important tool for concussion management, as it is used to personalize post-concussion exercise prescription and return athletes to sport. However, most GXT requires expensive equipment and in-person supervision. Our objective was to assess the safety and feasibility of the Montreal Virtual Exertion (MOVE) protocol, a n ...

Article GUID: 37212272

A cross-sectional analysis on the effects of age on dual tasking in typically developing children.

Author(s): Saxena S, Majnemer A, Li K, Beauchamp M, Gagnon I

Psychol Res. 2019 Feb;83(1):104-115 Authors: Saxena S, Majnemer A, Li K, Beauchamp M, Gagnon I

Article GUID: 30506524

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