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Imaging flow cytometry-based cellular screening elucidates pathophysiology in individuals with Variants of Uncertain Significance

Author(s): Muffels IJJ; Waterham HR; D' Alessandro G; Zagnoli-Vieira G; Sacher M; Lefeber DJ; Van der Vinne C; Roifman CM; Gassen KLI; Rehmann H; Van Haaften-Visser DY; Nieuwenhuis ESS; Jackson SP; Fuchs SA; Wijk F; van Hasselt P;

Background: Deciphering variants of uncertain significance (VUS) represents a major diagnostic challenge, partially due to the lack of easy-to-use and versatile cellular readouts that aid the interpretation of pathogenicity and pathophysiology. To address this challenge, we propose a high-through ...

Article GUID: 39920830

Bi-allelic mutations in TRAPPC2L result in a neurodevelopmental disorder and have an impact on RAB11 in fibroblasts.

Author(s): Milev MP, Graziano C, Karall D, Kuper WFE, Al-Deri N, Cordelli DM, Haack TB, Danhauser K, Iuso A, Palombo F, Pippucci T, Prokisch H, Saint-Dic D, Seri M, Stanga D, Cenacchi G, van Gassen KLI, Zschocke J, Fauth C, Mayr JA, Sacher M, van H ...

J Med Genet. 2018 Nov;55(11):753-764 Authors: Milev MP, Graziano C, Karall D, Kuper WFE, Al-Deri N, Cordelli DM, Haack TB, Danhauser K, Iuso A, Palombo F, Pippucci T, Prokisch H, Saint-Dic D, Seri M, Stanga D, Cenacchi G, van Gassen KLI, Zschocke J, Fauth C, Mayr JA, Sacher M, van Hasselt PM

Article GUID: 30120216

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