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Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

Author(s): Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D'Amato L, Del Corpo T, Deng J, Di Giulio ...

Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

Microbiology. 2019 Dec 04;:

Authors: Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D ...

Article GUID: 31799915

Mechanisms by which PE21, an extract from the white willow Salix alba, delays chronological aging in budding yeast.

Author(s): Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, Soodbakhsh S, Maalaoui H, Simard É, Titorenko VI

Oncotarget. 2019 Oct 08;10(56):5780-5816 Authors: Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, Soodbakhsh S, Maalaoui H, Simard É, Titorenko VI

Article GUID: 31645900

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