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The caleosin RD20/CLO3 regulates lateral root development in response to abscisic acid and regulates flowering time in conjunction with the caleosin CLO7

Author(s): Brunetti SC; Arseneault MKM; Gulick PJ;

The caleosins are encoded by multi-gene families in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plant species. This work investigates the role of two family members, RD20/CLO3 and CLO7, in flowering transition and in root development in response to ABA treatment. Gene expression of the caleosin RD20/CLO3 is induced by ABA in the root tissues and RD20/CLO3 has a negati ...

Article GUID: 37812854

The caleosin CLO7 and its role in the heterotrimeric G-protein signalling network

Author(s): Brunetti SC; Arseneault MKM; Gulick PJ;

The investigation of the caleosin CLO7 in relation to heterotrimeric G-protein signalling in Arabidopsis showed that the gene plays a role in seed germination and embryo viability. The caleosin CLO7 belongs to a multi-gene family of calcium-binding proteins which are characterized by single EF-hand motifs. Other members of the caleosin gene family have be ...

Article GUID: 36334585

Characterization and Expression of the Pirin Gene Family in Triticum aestivum

Author(s): Brunetti SC; Arseneault MKM; Gulick PJ;

Pirins are nuclear bicupin proteins, encoded by genes that are one of several gene families that comprise the Cupin superfamily in plants. Pirin genes have been implicated in stress response pathways studied in Arabidopsis and At-Pirin1 has been shown to interact with the heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunit (GPA1). The aim of this study was to identify ...

Article GUID: 35504035

Characterization of the heterotrimeric G protein gene families in Triticum aestivum and related species

Author(s): Gawande ND; Hamiditabar Z; Brunetti SC; Gulick PJ;

This study characterizes the heterotrimeric G protein gene families in Triticum aestivum, their tissue-specific expression patterns during development and in response to biotic and abiotic stress conditions. There are three Ga genes, three Gß and 12 G? genes, totaling 18 genes encoding heterotrimeric G proteins in the hexaploid wheat genome. Each haploid ...

Article GUID: 35463045

The stress induced caleosin, RD20/CLO3, acts as a negative regulator of GPA1 in Arabidopsis

Author(s): Brunetti SC; Arseneault MKM; Wright JA; Wang Z; Ehdaeivand MR; Lowden MJ; Rivoal J; Khalil HB; Garg G; Gulick PJ;

A stress induced calcium-binding protein, RD20/CLO3 interacts with the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric G-protein complex in Arabidopsis and affects etiolation and leaf morphology. Heterotrimeric G proteins and calcium signaling have both been shown to play a role in the response to environmen ...

Article GUID: 34599731

Duplicated antagonistic EPF peptides optimize grass stomatal initiation

Author(s): Jangra R; Brunetti SC; Wang X; Kaushik P; Gulick PJ; Foroud NA; Wang S; Lee JS;

Peptide signaling has emerged as a key component of plant growth and development, including stomatal patterning, which is critical for plant productivity and survival. Although exciting progress has been made in understanding EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR (EPF) signaling in Arabidopsis, the mechanisms by which EPF peptides control different stomatal pattern ...

Article GUID: 34328169

Structural variation and rates of genome evolution in the grass family seen through comparison of sequences of genomes greatly differing in size.

Author(s): Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, Devos KM, Qi P, You FM, Gulick PJ, McGuire PE

Plant J. 2018 08;95(3):487-503 Authors: Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, Devos KM, Qi P, You FM, Gulick PJ, McGuire PE

Article GUID: 29770515

Genetic combining ability of coriander genotypes for agronomic and phytochemical traits in response to contrasting irrigation regimes.

Author(s): Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0199630 Authors: Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 29953470

Characterization of the Esi3/RCI2/PMP3 gene family in the Triticeae.

Author(s): Brunetti SC, Arseneault MKM, Gulick PJ

BMC Genomics. 2018 Dec 11;19(1):898 Authors: Brunetti SC, Arseneault MKM, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 30537926

Aegilops tauschii Genome Sequence: A Framework for Meta-analysis of Wheat QTLs.

Author(s): Xu J, Dai X, Ramasamy RK, Wang L, Zhu T, McGuire PE, Jorgensen CM, Dehghani H, Gulick PJ, Luo MC, Müller HG, Dvorak J

G3 (Bethesda). 2019 03 07;9(3):841-853 Authors: Xu J, Dai X, Ramasamy RK, Wang L, Zhu T, McGuire PE, Jorgensen CM, Dehghani H, Gulick PJ, Luo MC, Müller HG, Dvorak J

Article GUID: 30670607

Gene expression analysis in the roots of salt-stressed wheat and the cytogenetic derivatives of wheat combined with the salt-tolerant wheatgrass, Lophopyrum elongatum.

Author(s): Hussein Z, Dryanova A, Maret D, Gulick PJ

Plant Cell Rep. 2014 Jan;33(1):189-201 Authors: Hussein Z, Dryanova A, Maret D, Gulick PJ

Article GUID: 24141639

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