Author(s): Acharya B; Alexandre J; Benes P; Bergmann B; Bertolucci S; Bevan A; Brancaccio R; Branzas H; Burian P; Campbell M; Cecchini S; Cho YM; de Montigny M; De Roeck A; Ellis JR; Fairbairn M; Felea D; Frank M; Hays J; Hirt AM; Ho DL; Hung PQ; J ...
This search for magnetic monopoles (MMs) and high electric charge objects (HECOs) with spins 0, 1/2, and 1, uses for the first time the full MoEDAL detector, exposed to 6.46 fb^{-1} proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. The results are interpreted in terms of Drell-Yan and photon-fusion pair produc ...
Article GUID: 40053963
Author(s): Cruz-Santiago D; Meng X; Canac-Marquis M; Sengupta A; Brassard JP; Pavey E; Girouard H; Vinh DC; Gouin JP;
Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to persistent post-acute neuropsychiatric symptoms. Older adults with multimorbidity may be at increased risk of post-acute symptoms after COVID-19. The goals of the present study were to assess the associations of SARS-CoV-2 infection with neuropsychiatr ...
Article GUID: 40051588
Author(s): Zhu FJ; Lu XM; Jia JW; Zhang X; Xing DF; Cai MH; Kallenborn R; Li YF; Muir DCG; Zhang ZF; Zhang X;
Spatial variations of atmospheric alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Alk-PAHs) are key to understanding their long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT). However, limited Alk-PAHs data have hindered their LRAT characterizations on a global scale. In this study, 49 Alk-PAHs were measured in ...
Article GUID: 40025703
Author(s): Joyce H L Lui, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Daniel Almirall, Kathryn B Whitlock, William French, Mark A Stein
Objective: To examine the effects of treatment sequence of parent stimulant medication (MED) and behavioral parent training (BPT) on child, maternal, and parenting outcomes among multiplex attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) families using a pilot Sequential Multiple Assignment Random ...
Article GUID: 40009046
Author(s): Gibelli J; Won H; Michaelides S; Jeon HB; Fraser DJ;
The contributions of distinct populations to annual harvests provide key insights to conservation, especially in migratory species that return to specific reproductive areas. In this context, genetic stock identification (GSI) requires reference samples from source populations to assign harvested individuals, yet sampling might be challenging as reproduct ...
Article GUID: 39995301
Author(s): Zolopa C; Clifasefi SL; Dobischok S; Gala N; Fraser-Purdy H; Phillips MK; Blackmore S; Wendt DC;
Background: There is a great diversity of traditions, practices, and experiences among the Indigenous Peoples of North America and Oceania. However, Indigenous Peoples across these regions are affected by the historical and ongoing violence of settler colonialism, resulting in disproportionately ...
Article GUID: 39970577
Author(s): Gheflati B; Mirzaei M; Rottoo S; Rivaz H;
Purpose: Statistical shape models (SSMs) are widely used for morphological assessment of anatomical structures. However, a key limitation is the need for a clear relationship between the model's shape coefficients and clinically relevant anatomical parameters. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel deep learning-based anatomically par ...
Article GUID: 39953355
Author(s): Bothe B; Tóth-Király I; Popova N; Nagy L; Koós M; Demetrovics Z; Potenza MN; Kraus SW; Ballester-Arnal R; Batthyány D; Bergeron S; Billieux J; Briken P; Burkauskas J; Cárdenas-López G; Carvalho J; Castro-Calvo J; Chen L; Ciocca G; Corazz ...
Background and aims: The Moral Incongruence Model of Pornography Use proposes that pornography-use-related problems may be present due to problematic pornography use (PPU) and/or moral disapproval (MD) of pornography use. Despite some supporting empirical evidence, no study has tested the presenc ...
Article GUID: 39945767
Author(s): Pereira M; Chen X; Paltarzhytskaya A; Pache?o Y; Muller N; Bovy L; Lei X; Chen W; Ren H; Song C; Lewis LD; Dang-Vu TT; Czisch M; Picchioni D; Duyn J; Peigneux P; Tagliazucchi E; Dresler M;
Sleep research has evolved considerably since the first sleep electroencephalography recordings in the 1930s and the discovery of well-distinguishable sleep stages in the 1950s. While electrophysiological recordings have been used to describe the sleeping brain in much detail, since the 1990s neu ...
Article GUID: 39940102
Author(s): Ménard A; Podinic I; Conklin J; Hossain S; Arya A; Archibald D; Elliott J; Kothari A; Stolee P; Sveistrup H; Dehcheshmeh MM; Hsu AT;
Family involvement in care often continues after an individual moves into a long-term care (LTC) home. This cross-sectional study delves into the dynamics of family caregiving for LTC residents. Spouses/partners (n = 32, mean age 76) primarily focused on tasks such as mealtimes (53 %) and direct ...
Article GUID: 39919696
Author(s): Muffels IJJ; Waterham HR; D' Alessandro G; Zagnoli-Vieira G; Sacher M; Lefeber DJ; Van der Vinne C; Roifman CM; Gassen KLI; Rehmann H; Van Haaften-Visser DY; Nieuwenhuis ESS; Jackson SP; Fuchs SA; Wijk F; van Hasselt P;
Background: Deciphering variants of uncertain significance (VUS) represents a major diagnostic challenge, partially due to the lack of easy-to-use and versatile cellular readouts that aid the interpretation of pathogenicity and pathophysiology. To address this challenge, we propose a high-through ...
Article GUID: 39920830
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