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Use of lecanemab and donanemab in the Canadian healthcare system: Evidence, challenges, and areas for future research

Author(s): Smith EE; Phillips NA; Feldman HH; Borrie M; Ganesh A; Henri-Bhargava A; Desmarais P; Frank A; Badhwar A; Barlow L; Bartha R; Best S; Bethell J; Bhangu J; Black SE; Bocti C; Bronskill SE; Burhan AM; Calon F; Camicioli R; Campbell B; Coll ...

Lecanemab and donanemab are monoclonal antibody therapies that remove amyloid-beta from the brain. They are the first therapies that alter a fundamental mechanism, amyloid-beta deposition, in Alzheimer disease (AD). To inform Canadian decisions on approval and use of these drugs, the Canadian Con ...

Article GUID: 39893139

Is There a Need to Reassess Protein Intake Recommendations Following Metabolic Bariatric Surgery?

Author(s): Ben-Porat T; Lahav Y; Cohen TR; Bacon SL; Buch A; Moizé V; Sherf-Dagan S;

Purpose of review: Protein intake is recognized as a key nutritional factor crucial for optimizing Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) outcomes by preventing protein malnutrition, preserving fat-free mass, and inducing satiety. This paper discusses the current evidence regarding protein intake and its impact on clinical outcomes following MBS. Recent findi ...

Article GUID: 39878797

Virtual reality-based preoperative planning for optimized trocar placement in thoracic surgery: A preliminary study

Author(s): Harirpoush A; Rakovich G; Kersten-Oertel M; Xiao Y;

Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is a minimally invasive approach for treating early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Optimal trocar placement during VATS ensures comprehensive access to the thoracic cavity, provides a panoramic endoscopic view, and prevents instrument crowding. While established principles such as the Baseball Diamond Principle (B ...

Article GUID: 39720764

Recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence in health promotion

Author(s): Smith A; Arena R; Bacon SL; Faghy MA; Grazzi G; Raisi A; Vermeesch AL; Ong' wen M; Popovic D; Pronk NP;

The purpose of this perspective is to provide recommendations on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health promotion. To arrive at these recommendations, we followed a 6-step process. The first step was to recruit an international authorship team from the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event ...

Article GUID: 39389332

The impact of cognitive-motor interference on balance and gait in hearing-impaired older adults: a systematic review

Author(s): Wunderlich A; Wollesen B; Asamoah J; Delbaere K; Li K;

Background: Hearing impairments are a rising burden in our aging society. Hearing loss is associated with reduced cognitive performance as well as decrements in balance and gait. Therefore, impaired hearing affects also dual tasking (DT). The aim of this review is to summarize the evidence for DT performance decrements of older adults with hearing impairm ...

Article GUID: 38914940

Experiencing Loss: A Muslim Widow's Bereavement Narrative

Author(s): Kristiansen M; Younis T; Hassani A; Sheikh A;

In this article, we explore how Islam, minority status and refugee experiences intersect in shaping meaning-making processes following bereavement. We do this through a phenomenological analysis of a biographical account of personal loss told by Aisha, a Muslim Palestinian refugee living in Denmark, who narrates her experience of losing her husband to lun ...

Article GUID: 25958055

Investigating the relationship between physical, cognitive, and environmental factors of ergonomics with the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders: A case study in a car-parts manufacturing industry

Author(s): Mokhtarinia H; Alimohammadi B; Sadeghi-Yarandi M; Torabi-Gudarzi S; Soltanzadeh A; Nikbakht N;

Background: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) is a multi-factorial disorder in most occupational setting and it has increased significantly in recent years. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical, cognitive, and environmental factors of ergonom ...

Article GUID: 38489202

Morphology Control of Self-Assembled Copper Coordination Polymers for Glucose Assays

Author(s): Van Houten J; Dosajh A; Gulati S; Bhullar G; Copeman C; Ogata AF;

Low-cost analytical assays enable accessible detection of clinically and environmentally important analytes; however, common enzyme-based assays suffer from high production and storage costs. Catalytically active synthetic materials serve as replacements for natural enzymes, but development of cost-effective, highly efficient synthetic strategies remains ...

Article GUID: 38320270

An Anatomically Shaped Mitral Valve for Hemodynamic Testing

Author(s): Darwish A; Papolla C; Rieu R; Kadem L;

In vitro modeling of the left heart relies on accurately replicating the physiological conditions of the native heart. The targeted physiological conditions include the complex fluid dynamics coming along with the opening and closing of the aortic and mitral valves. As the mitral valve possess a highly sophisticated apparatus, thence, accurately modeling ...

Article GUID: 38228812

Nonsingleton Gaussian type-3 fuzzy system with fractional order NTSMC for path tracking of autonomous cars

Author(s): Taghavifar H; Mohammadzadeh A; Zhang W; Zhang C;

Path-tracking and lane-keeping tasks are critical to guarantee safety and navigation performance considerations for deploying autonomous cars. This paper presents a novel control framework for the path-tracking control of high-speed autonomous cars with structured uncertainties. This study introduces a nonlinear adaptive control system based on a fraction ...

Article GUID: 38160078

Evaluation of human vulnerability and toxic effects of chronic and acute occupational exposure to ammonia: A case study in an ice factory

Author(s): Soltanzadeh A; Mahdinia M; Nikbakht N; Hosseinzadeh K; Sadeghi-Yarandi M;

Background: The hazardous material release has frequently occurred worldwide. As a respiratory stimulant and a toxic substance, ammonia has numerous adverse effects on human health. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the human vulnerability and toxic effects of both chronic and acute respiratory exposure to ammonia. Methods: This study ...

Article GUID: 38143407

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