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Delphi consensus recommendations for the management of chronic insomnia in Canada

Author(s): Morin CM; Khullar A; Robillard R; Desautels A; Mak MSB; Dang-Vu TT; Chow W; Habert J; Lessard S; Alima L; Ayas NT; MacFarlane J; Kendzerska T; Lee EK; Carney CE;

Objective: The lack of current Canadian practice guidelines for the management of insomnia poses a challenge for healthcare providers (HCP) in selecting the appropriate treatment options. This study aimed to establish expert consensus recommendations for the management of chronic insomnia in Cana ...

Article GUID: 39481275

Ligne directrice C-CHANGE pour l’harmonisation des lignes directrices nationales de prévention et de prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires en contexte de soins primaires au Canada: mise à jour 2022

Author(s): Jain R; Stone JA; Agarwal G; Andrade JG; Bacon SL; Bajaj HS; Baker B; Cheng G; Dannenbaum D; Gelfer M; Habert J; Hickey J; Keshavjee K; Kitty D; Lindsay P; L' Abbé MR; Lau DCW; Macle L; McDonald M; Nerenberg K; Pearson GJ; Pham T; Poppe AY; Rabi DM; Sherifali D; Selby P; Smith E; Stern S; Th ...

No abstract

Article GUID: 36623864

Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guideline Endeavour (C-CHANGE) guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care: 2022 update

Author(s): Jain R; Stone JA; Agarwal G; Andrade JG; Bacon SL; Bajaj HS; Baker B; Cheng G; Dannenbaum D; Gelfer M; Habert J; Hickey J; Keshavjee K; Kitty D; Lindsay P; L' Abbé MR; Lau DCW; Macle L; McDonald M; Nerenberg K; Pearson GJ; Pham T; Poppe AY; Rabi DM; Sherifali D; Selby P; Smith E; Stern S; Th ...

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Article GUID: 36343954

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