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Interactive effects of alcohol and cannabis quantities in the prediction of same-day negative consequences among young adults

Author(s): Wardell JD; Coelho SG; Farrelly KN; Fox N; Cunningham JA; O' Connor RM; Hendershot CS;

Background: Simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use is common, but observational studies examining negative consequences of simultaneous use have rarely considered dose-related interactions between alcohol and cannabis. This study examined interactions between quantities of cannabis and alcohol con ...

Article GUID: 38575530

The Prospective Association of Negative Urgency With Hazardous Drinking Via Impaired Control: A Moderating Role of Alcohol Sensitivity.

Author(s): Martínez-Loredo V, Hendershot CS, O'Connor RM, Wardell JD

J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2020 Jan;81(1):89-94 Authors: Martínez-Loredo V, Hendershot CS, O'Connor RM, Wardell JD

Article GUID: 32048606

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