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Class imbalance should not throw you off balance: Choosing the right classifiers and performance metrics for brain decoding with imbalanced data

Author(s): Thölke P; Mantilla-Ramos YJ; Abdelhedi H; Maschke C; Dehgan A; Harel Y; Kemtur A; Mekki Berrada L; Sahraoui M; Young T; Bellemare Pépin A; El Khantour C; Landry M; Pascarella A; Hadid V; Combrisson E; O' Byrne J; Jerbi K;

Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used in cognitive, computational and clinical neuroscience. The reliable and efficient application of ML requires a sound understanding of its subtleties and limitations. Training ML models on datasets with imbalanced classes is a particularly common problem, ...

Article GUID: 37385392

Processing visual ambiguity in fractal patterns: Pareidolia as a sign of creativity

Author(s): Pepin AB; Harel Y; O' Byrne J; Mageau G; Dietrich A; Jerbi K;

Creativity is a highly valued and beneficial skill that empirical research typically probes using "divergent thinking" (DT) tasks such as problem solving and novel idea generation. Here, in contrast, we examine the perceptual aspect of creativity by asking whether creative individuals are more likely to perceive recognizable forms in ambiguous stimuli -a ...

Article GUID: 36164655

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