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Supporting parent capacity to manage pain in young children with cancer at home: Co-design and usability testing of the PainCaRe app

Author(s): Jibb LA; Liu W; Stinson JN; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Hashemi E; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Kuczynski S; Liu S; La H; Fortier MA;

Young children receiving outpatient cancer care are vulnerable to undermanaged pain. App-based solutions that provide pain treatment advice to parents in real-time and in all environments may improve access to quality pain care. We used a parent co-design approach involving iterative rounds of us ...

Article GUID: 39473834

Fear of Cancer Recurrence in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer

Author(s): Pizzo A; Leisenring WM; Stratton KL; Lamoureux É; Flynn JS; Alschuler K; Krull KR; Jibb LA; Nathan PC; Olgin JE; Stinson JN; Armstrong GT; Alberts NM;

Importance: Fear of cancer recurrence is common among survivors of adult-onset cancer and associated with increased distress, functional impairment, and health care utilization. However, little is known about the prevalence and risk factors of fear of cancer recurrence among adult survivors of ch ...

Article GUID: 39361286

Parent and clinician perceptions and recommendations on a pediatric cancer pain management app: A qualitative co-design study

Author(s): Jibb LA; Sivaratnam S; Hashemi E; Chu CH; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Zworth M; Kuczynski S; Fortier MA;

Pain is one of the most prevalent and burdensome pediatric cancer symptoms for young children and their families. A significant proportion of pain episodes are experienced in environments where management options are limited, including at home. Digital innovations such as apps may have positive i ...

Article GUID: 38019890

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