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The Adr1 transcription factor directs regulation of the ergosterol pathway and azole resistance in Candida albicans

Author(s): Shrivastava M; Kouyoumdjian GS; Kirbizakis E; Ruiz D; Henry M; Vincent AT; Sellam A; Whiteway M;

Transcription factors (TFs) play key roles in cellular regulation and are critical in the control of drug resistance in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. We found that activation of the transcription factor C4_02500C_A (Adr1) conferred significant resistance against fluconazole. In Saccharomy ...

Article GUID: 37791798

A Deep Learning Approach to Capture the Essence of Candida albicans Morphologies

Author(s): Bettauer V; Costa ACBP; Omran RP; Massahi S; Kirbizakis E; Simpson S; Dumeaux V; Law C; Whiteway M; Hallett MT;

We present deep learning-based approaches for exploring the complex array of morphologies exhibited by the opportunistic human pathogen Candida albicans. Our system, entitled Candescence, automatically detects C. albicans cells from differential image contrast microscopy and labels each detected ...

Article GUID: 35972285

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