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EEG/MEG source imaging of deep brain activity within the maximum entropy on the mean framework: Simulations and validation in epilepsy

Author(s): Afnan J; Cai Z; Lina JM; Abdallah C; Delaire E; Avigdor T; Ros V; Hedrich T; von Ellenrieder N; Kobayashi E; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;

Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the ...

Article GUID: 38994740

Clinical Yield of Electromagnetic Source Imaging and Hemodynamic Responses in Epilepsy: Validation With Intracerebral Data

Author(s): Abdallah C; Hedrich T; Koupparis A; Afnan J; Hall JA; Gotman J; Dubeau F; von Ellenrieder N; Frauscher B; Kobayashi E; Grova C;

Background and objectives: Accurate delineation of the seizure-onset zone (SOZ) in focal drug-resistant epilepsy often requires stereo-EEG (SEEG) recordings. Our aims were to propose a truly objective and quantitative comparison between EEG/magnetoencephalography (MEG) source imaging (EMSI), EEG/ ...

Article GUID: 35473762

How cerebral cortex protects itself from interictal spikes: The alpha/beta inhibition mechanism

Author(s): Pellegrino G; Hedrich T; Sziklas V; Lina JM; Grova C; Kobayashi E;

Interactions between interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and distant cortical regions subserve potential effects on cognition of patients with focal epilepsy. We hypothesize that "healthy" brain areas at a distance from the epileptic focus may respond to the interference of IEDs by generating inhibitory alpha and beta oscillations. We predict that m ...

Article GUID: 34002916

Deconvolution of hemodynamic responses along the cortical surface using personalized functional near infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Machado A; Cai Z; Vincent T; Pellegrino G; Lina JM; Kobayashi E; Grova C;

In functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), deconvolution analysis of oxy and deoxy-hemoglobin concentration changes allows estimating specific hemodynamic response functions (HRF) elicited by neuronal activity, taking advantage of the fNIRS excellent temporal resolution. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is also becoming the new standard reconstruct ...

Article GUID: 33727581

Large-scale mGluR5 network abnormalities linked to epilepsy duration in focal cortical dysplasia.

Author(s): DuBois JM, Mathotaarachchi S, Rousset OG, Sziklas V, Sepulcre J, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

To determine the extent of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5 (mGluR5) network abnormalities associated with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), we performed graph theoretical analysis of [11C]ABP688 PET binding potentials (BPND), which allows for quantification of mGluR5 availability. Undirected ...

Article GUID: 33401137

Effects of Independent Component Analysis on Magnetoencephalography Source Localization in Pre-surgical Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Patients

Author(s): Pellegrino G, Xu M, Alkuwaiti A, Porras-Bettancourt M, Abbas G, Lina JM, Grova C, Kobayashi E,

Objective: Magnetoencephalography source imaging (MSI) of interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) is a useful presurgical tool in the evaluation of drug-resistant frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) patients. Yet, failures in MSI can arise related to artifacts and to interference of background activity. ...

Article GUID: 32582009

Accuracy and spatial properties of distributed magnetic source imaging techniques in the investigation of focal epilepsy patients.

Author(s): Pellegrino G, Hedrich T, Porras-Bettancourt M, Lina JM, Aydin Ü, Hall J, Grova C, Kobayashi E

Hum Brain Mapp. 2020 May 09;: Authors: Pellegrino G, Hedrich T, Porras-Bettancourt M, Lina JM, Aydin Ü, Hall J, Grova C, Kobayashi E

Article GUID: 32386115

Magnetoencephalography resting state connectivity patterns as indicatives of surgical outcome in epilepsy patients.

Author(s): Aydin Ü, Pellegrino G, Bin Ka'b Ali O, Abdallah C, Dubeau F, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

J Neural Eng. 2020 Mar 18;: Authors: Aydin Ü, Pellegrino G, Bin Ka'b Ali O, Abdallah C, Dubeau F, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

Article GUID: 32191632

Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus' Role in Visual Processing and Language Comprehension: A Combined MEG-DTI Study.

Author(s): Shin J, Rowley J, Chowdhury R, Jolicoeur P, Klein D, Grova C, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Front Neurosci. 2019;13:875 Authors: Shin J, Rowley J, Chowdhury R, Jolicoeur P, Klein D, Grova C, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Article GUID: 31507359

Localization Accuracy of Distributed Inverse Solutions for Electric and Magnetic Source Imaging of Interictal Epileptic Discharges in Patients with Focal Epilepsy.

Author(s): Heers M, Chowdhury RA, Hedrich T, Dubeau F, Hall JA, Lina JM, Grova C, Kobayashi E

Brain Topogr. 2016 Jan;29(1):162-81 Authors: Heers M, Chowdhury RA, Hedrich T, Dubeau F, Hall JA, Lina JM, Grova C, Kobayashi E

Article GUID: 25609211

MEG-EEG Information Fusion and Electromagnetic Source Imaging: From Theory to Clinical Application in Epilepsy.

Author(s): Chowdhury RA, Zerouali Y, Hedrich T, Heers M, Kobayashi E, Lina JM, Grova C

Brain Topogr. 2015 Nov;28(6):785-812 Authors: Chowdhury RA, Zerouali Y, Hedrich T, Heers M, Kobayashi E, Lina JM, Grova C

Article GUID: 26016950

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