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Patterns of language switching and bilingual children's word learning: An experiment across two communities

Author(s): Tsui RK; Kosie JE; Fibla L; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;

Language switching is common in bilingual environments, including those of many bilingual children. Some bilingual children hear rapid switching that involves immediate translation of words (an 'immediate-translation' pattern), while others hear their languages most often in long blocks of a single language (a 'one-language-at-a-time' patt ...

Article GUID: 38405269

Bilingual Language Development in Infancy: What Can We Do to Support Bilingual Families?

Author(s): Fibla L; Kosie JE; Kircher R; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;

Many infants and children around the world grow up exposed to two or more languages. Their success in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity and quality of their everyday language experience, including at home, in daycare and preschools, and in the broader community context. Here, we discuss how research on early language ...

Article GUID: 35224184

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