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Physical activity may protect myelin via modulation of high-density lipoprotein

Author(s): Boa Sorte Silva NC; Balbim GM; Stein RG; Gu Y; Tam RC; Dao E; Alkeridy W; Lam K; Kramer AF; Liu-Ambrose T;

Introduction: Physical activity is associated with greater myelin content in older individuals with cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD), a condition marked by demyelination. However, potential mechanisms underlying this relationship remain understudied. Methods: We assessed cross-sectionally wh ...

Article GUID: 39989020

Synergistic effects of cognitive training and physical exercise on dual-task performance in older adults

Author(s): Bherer L; Gagnon C; Langeard A; Lussier M; Desjardins-Crépeau L; Berryman N; Bosquet L; Vu TTM; Fraser S; Li KZH; Kramer AF;

Background: Studies report benefits of physical exercise and cognitive training to enhance cognition in older adults. However, most studies did not compare these interventions to appropriate active controls. Moreover, physical exercise and cognitive training seem to involve different mechanisms o ...

Article GUID: 32803232

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