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Metabolomics 2022 workshop report: state of QA/QC best practices in LC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics, informed through mQACC community engagement initiatives

Author(s): Dunn WB; Kuligowski J; Lewis M; Mosley JD; Schock T; Ulmer Holland C; Zanetti KA; Vuckovic D;

Introduction: The Metabolomics Quality Assurance and Quality Control Consortium (mQACC) organized a workshop during the Metabolomics 2022 conference. Objectives: The goal of the workshop was to disseminate recent findings from mQACC community-engagement efforts and to solicit feedback about a li ...

Article GUID: 37940740

The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data

Author(s): Dora J; Piccirillo M; Foster KT; Arbeau K; Armeli S; Auriacombe M; Bartholow B; Beltz AM; Blumenstock SM; Bold K; Bonar EE; Braitman A; Carpenter RW; Creswell KG; De Hart T; Dvorak RD; Emery N; Enkema M; Fairbairn C; Fairlie AM; Ferguson ...

Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcohol in response to the experience of both negative and positive emotions. Despite two decades of daily diary and ecological momentary assessment research, it remains unclear whether people consume more alcohol on days they exp ...

Article GUID: 37560174

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