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Associations between valenced news and affect in daily life: Experimental and ecological momentary assessment approaches

Author(s): Shaikh SJ; McGowan AL; Lydon-Staley DM;

In 203 (mean age = 38.04 years, SD=12.05) participants, we tested the association between valenced news and affect using a 14-day, smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment protocol consisting of two components: 1) a once-per-day experimental protocol in which participants were exposed to good news and bad news stories and 2) a four-times-per-day p ...

Article GUID: 38919709

The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data

Author(s): Dora J; Piccirillo M; Foster KT; Arbeau K; Armeli S; Auriacombe M; Bartholow B; Beltz AM; Blumenstock SM; Bold K; Bonar EE; Braitman A; Carpenter RW; Creswell KG; De Hart T; Dvorak RD; Emery N; Enkema M; Fairbairn C; Fairlie AM; Ferguson ...

Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcohol in response to the experience of both negative and positive emotions. Despite two decades of daily diary and ecological momentary assessment research, it remains unclear whether people consume more alcohol on days they exp ...

Article GUID: 37560174

Dense Sampling Approaches for Psychiatry Research: Combining Scanners and Smartphones

Author(s): McGowan AL; Sayed F; Boyd ZM; Jovanova M; Kang Y; Speer ME; Cosme D; Mucha PJ; Ochsner KN; Bassett DS; Falk EB; Lydon-Staley DM;

Together, data from brain scanners and smartphones have sufficient coverage of biology, psychology, and environment to articulate between-person differences in the interplay within and across biological, psychological, and environmental systems thought to underlie psychopathology. An important ne ...

Article GUID: 36797176

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