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Synthesis of a Convertible Linker Containing a Disulfide Group for Oligonucleotide Functionalization

Author(s): Pontarelli A; Liu JT; Movasat H; Ménard S; Oh JK; Wilds CJ;

The synthesis and incorporation of a tosylated phosphoramidite linker containing a disulfide bond is described. Incorporation of the linker into short DNA and RNA oligomers proceeded efficiently using automated solid phase synthesis. Treatment of the support bound oligonucleotide followed by cleavage from the solid support provided a variety of common fun ...

Article GUID: 35863757

Appetitive olfactory conditioning in the neonatal male rat facilitates subsequent sexual partner preference.

Author(s): Ménard S, Gelez H, Jacubovitch M, Coria-Avila GA, Pfaus JG

Pairing a neutral odor with a male rat's initial sexual experiences to ejaculation produces a subsequent conditioned ejaculatory preference (CEP) in which males ejaculate preferentially with receptive females that bear the odor relative to unscented receptive females. In 1986, Fillion and Blass reported that neonatal male rats exposed to a neutral lem ...

Article GUID: 32919208

Differential role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the conditioned ejaculatory preference of the male rat.

Author(s): Ménard S, Gelez H, Girard-Bériault F, Coria-Avila G, Pfaus JG

Physiol Behav. 2019 Jun 10;:112577 Authors: Ménard S, Gelez H, Girard-Bériault F, Coria-Avila G, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31194998

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