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A guide to exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor-ESEM in body image research

Author(s): Swami V; Maïano C; Morin AJS;

Traditionally, assessments of factor validity of body image instruments have relied on exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis. However, the emergence of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), a resurgence of interest in bifactor models, and the ability to combine both models (bifactor-ESEM) is beginning to shape the future of body image res ...

Article GUID: 39492241

Measurement invariance and differential item functioning of the functionality appreciation scale (FAS) in Colombia and Spain

Author(s): Mebarak M; Maïano C; Mendoza J; Zamora Á; Baños R; Desdentado L; Miragall M; Herrero R; Swami V;

The Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS) is increasingly used in diverse national and linguistic contexts. However, limited work has assessed the extent to which the instrument demonstrates measurement invariance and differential item functioning (DIF) across nations and respondent characterist ...

Article GUID: 39244790

A person-centred investigation of the associations between actual and perceived physical fitness among youth with intellectual disabilities

Author(s): Maïano C; Morin AJS; Tracey D; Hue O; Craven RG;

The main objective of this person-centred study was to identify profiles of actual and perceived physical fitness among a sample of youth with intellectual disabilities (ID). Participants were 377 youth (60.4% boys) with mild (49.6%) to moderate (50.4%) ID recruited in Australia and Canada. Latent profile analyses revealed five profiles: (1) Underestimati ...

Article GUID: 38976395

Psychometric Properties of a French Version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood Questionnaire

Author(s): Maïano C; Morin AJS; April J; Tietjens M; St-Jean C; Gagnon C; Dreiskämper D; Aimé A;

In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of a French version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood (PMC-C) questionnaire. The participants were 219 French-speaking children (aged 5-12 years), recruited from elementary schools in the Canadian Province of Quebec. Results supported the validity and reliability of a second-order confirm ...

Article GUID: 33765895

Psychosocial Difficulties Profiles Among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Olivier E; Jolin A; Dubé C; Maïano C; Tracey D; Craven RG; Morin AJS;

This study sought to identify the various configurations, or profiles, of internalizing and externalizing behaviors found among a sample of youth with intellectual disabilities (ID). These behaviors were assessed twice over one year, using self, parental, and teacher reports. Six variables were hypothesized to predict profile membership: Parent-child rela ...

Article GUID: 38750342

The Intuitive Eating Scale-3: Development and psychometric evaluation

Author(s): Tylka TL; Maïano C; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M; Linardon J; Burnette CB; Todd J; Swami V;

Intuitive eating has been found to protect against disordered eating and preserve well-being. Yet, there are methodological (length), conceptual (inconsideration of medical, value-based, and access-related reasons for food consumption), and psychometric (item wording) concerns with its most common measure, the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2). To address ...

Article GUID: 38729580

Greek adaptation of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) in adults from the Republic of Cyprus: A bidimensional model May not be universal

Author(s): Argyrides M; Anastasiades E; Maïano C; Swami V;

The Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) is a 17-item instrument designed to assess distinct facets of Orthorexia Nervosa (ON) and Healthy Orthorexia (HO). While a bidimensional model of TOS scores has been supported in diverse national and linguistic groups, the psychometric properties of the TOS have not been previously assessed in Greek-speaking populations. ...

Article GUID: 38145878

School Experiences and Anxiety Trajectories Among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Dubé C; Morin AJS; Olivier E; Gilbert W; Tracey D; Craven RG; Maïano C;

This study investigated how the school experiences and personal characteristics of youth with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) contribute to their longitudinal trajectories of anxiety. To this end, we relied on a sample of 390 youth with mild (48.2%) to moderate (51.8%) levels of ID, aged from 11 to 22 (M = 15.70), and recruited in Canada (n = 140) and Aust ...

Article GUID: 37898583

Profiles of body image concerns and their associations with disordered eating behaviors

Author(s): Baker S; Maïano C; Houle S; Nadon L; Aimé A; Morin AJS;

Although body image concerns (BIC) are recognized as a core driver in the development of disordered eating behaviors, the combined role of various types of BIC remains underexamined. This study relied on Latent Profile Analysis to identify the main configurations of self-reported BIC (i.e., body checking and avoidance, perceived physical appearance, and f ...

Article GUID: 37832721

Longitudinal Associations Between Relationship Quality and Depression Among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities: A Latent Change Perspective

Author(s): Dubé C; Morin AJS; Olivier E; Tóth-Király I; Tracey D; Craven RG; Maïano C;

This study investigates associations between initial levels and change in the quality of the relationships youth with intellectual disabilities (ID) share with their parents and teachers, and changes in their levels of depression over time. A sample of 395 youth with mild (48.3%) and moderate (51.7%) ID, aged between 11 and 22 (M = 15.69), were recruited ...

Article GUID: 36436145

Social Interaction Profiles Among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities: Associations with Indicators of Psychosocial Adjustment

Author(s): Dubé C; Morin AJS; Tóth-Király I; Olivier E; Tracey D; McCune VS; Craven RG; Maïano C;

This study investigates the nature of the social interaction profiles observed among youth with intellectual disabilities (ID), defined while considering their relationships with their parents, peers, and teachers, as well as the implication of these profiles for self-esteem, aggressive behaviors, and prosocial behaviors. A sample of 393 youth with mild ( ...

Article GUID: 36342629

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