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Symptoms characteristics of personality disorders associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors in a clinical sample of adolescents with a depressive disorder

Author(s): Gifuni AJ; Spodenkiewicz M; Laurent G; MacNeil S; Jollant F; Renaud J;

Introduction: Pathological personality traits have repeatedly been identified as important risk factors for suicidal ideation and behaviors. Moreover, impulsive-aggressive traits, have shown a consistent association with suicidal behaviors across the lifespan. Adolescence represents a critical period for the emergence of different personality traits, mood ...

Article GUID: 38146283

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, negative social interactions, and fluctuations in unmet interpersonal needs: A daily diary study

Author(s): MacNeil S; Renaud J; Gouin JP;

Introduction: This study examined daily fluctuations in the unmet interpersonal needs of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in response to daily negative social interactions, as well as the moderating role of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) across adolescents at lower and higher risk for suicidal ideation. Methods: Fifty five adolesce ...

Article GUID: 37208985

Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in a population-based cohort of young adults before and during the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada

Author(s): Gouin JP; MacNeil S; de la Torre-Luque A; Chartrand E; Chadi N; Rouquette A; Boivin M; Côté S; Geoffroy MC;

Objectives: Findings from a birth cohort study indicated that the mental health of young adults had not worsened during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to 2018. This study examined longitudinal changes in mental health between March 2018 and June 2021 in the context of protracte ...

Article GUID: 37093498

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia moderates the interpersonal consequences of brooding rumination

Author(s): Caldwell W; MacNeil S; Wrosch C; McGrath JJ; Dang-Vu TT; Morin AJS; Gouin JP;

Brooding rumination is an intrapersonal emotion regulation strategy associated with negative interpersonal consequences. Resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), a psychophysiological marker of self-regulatory capacity, may buffer the association between maladaptive emotion regulation and negative interpersonal behaviors. The current work examines the ...

Article GUID: 36844897

Group-based trajectories and predictors of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): MacNeil S; Deschênes S; Knäuper B; Carrese-Chacra E; Dialahy IZ; Suh S; Durif F; Gouin JP;

bjective: This study sought to identify psychosocial predictors of trajectories of adherence to physical distancing alongside changes in public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design: A three-time point longitudinal survey during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods ...

Article GUID: 34951559

Heart rate variability moderates the between- and within-person associations between daily stress and negative affect

Author(s): da Estrela C; MacNeil S; Gouin JP;

Stress exposure increases risk for depressive symptoms. However, there are substantial individual differences in affective responses to stress. High-frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV), a marker of vagally-mediated parasympathetic activity, has been conceptualized as a psychophysiological index of emotion regulation that may moderate individuals' ...

Article GUID: 33556470

Socio-demographic, social, cognitive, and emotional correlates of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S, Switzer A, Carrese-Chacra E, Durif F, Knäuper B

OBJECTIVES: In order for physical distancing directives to be effective at lowering and flattening the epidemic peak during a pandemic, individuals must adhere to confinement guidelines. Recent reviews highlight the paucity of research on empirical correlates of adherence to physical distancing and quarantine directives. METHODS: In this cross-sectional s ...

Article GUID: 33464556

Implicit affect, heart rate variability, and the metabolic syndrome.

Author(s): Gouin JP, Thayer JF, Deschênes S, MacNeil S, Booij L

OBJECTIVES: Greater negative affect has been associated with increased risk for the metabolic syndrome (METs). However, all studies to date have examined this association using explicit affect measures based on subjective ratings of emotional experiences. Prior studies suggest that implicit affect, representing the automatic, pre-reflective appraisal proc ...

Article GUID: 33065585

Attachment style and changes in systemic inflammation following migration to a new country among international students.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Attach Hum Dev. 2019 Feb;21(1):38-56 Authors: Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Article GUID: 30406717

High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability Reactivity and Trait Worry Interact to Predict the Development of Sleep Disturbances in Response to a Naturalistic Stressor.

Author(s): MacNeil S, Deschênes SS, Caldwell W, Brouillard M, Dang-Vu TT, Gouin JP

Ann Behav Med. 2017 Dec;51(6):912-924 Authors: MacNeil S, Deschênes SS, Caldwell W, Brouillard M, Dang-Vu TT, Gouin JP

Article GUID: 28527014

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