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Behavioral interventions-past, present, and future: Proceedings of the 5th International Behavioural Trials Network International Hybrid Meeting

Author(s): Bacon SL; Lavoie KL; Buckeridge D; Dietz WH; Freedland KE; Grimshaw JM; Jaworski BK; Laur C; Marques MM; Michie S; Powell LH; Rothman AJ; Whitmarsh L;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 39873378

Clustering of Health Behaviors in Canadians: A Multiple Behavior Analysis of Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Author(s): van Allen Z; Bacon SL; Bernard P; Brown H; Desroches S; Kastner M; Lavoie KL; Marques MM; McCleary N; Straus S; Taljaard M; Thavorn K; Tomasone JR; Presseau J;

Background: Health behaviors such as physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, smoking tobacco, and alcohol use are each leading risk factors for non-communicable chronic disease. Better understanding which behaviors tend to co-occur (i.e., cluster together) and co-vary (i.e., are correlated) may pr ...

Article GUID: 37155331

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