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Implementation of a national programme to train and support healthcare professionals in brief behavioural interventions: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework

Author(s): Meade O; Aehlig L; O' Brien M; Lawless A; McSharry J; Dragomir A; Hart JK; Keyworth C; Lavoie KL; Byrne M;

Objectives: Behaviour change interventions offered opportunistically by healthcare professionals can support patient health behaviour change. The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme in Ireland is a national programme to support healthcare professionals to use brief behavioural interventio ...

Article GUID: 39815763

Identifying and addressing psychosocial determinants of adherence to physical distancing guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic - project protocol.

Author(s): Durand H, Bacon SL, Byrne M, Kenny E, Lavoie KL, McGuire BE, Mc Sharry J, Meade O, Mooney R, Noone C, O'Connor LL, O'Flaherty K, Molloy GJ

Optimising public health physical distancing measures has been a critical part of the global response to the spread of COVID-19. Evidence collected during the current pandemic shows that the transmission rate of the virus is significantly reduced following implementation of intensive physical dis ...

Article GUID: 33490860

An international, Delphi consensus study to identify priorities for methodological research in behavioral trials in health research.

Author(s): Byrne M, McSharry J, Meade O, Lavoie KL, Bacon SL

Trials. 2020 Mar 23;21(1):292 Authors: Byrne M, McSharry J, Meade O, Lavoie KL, Bacon SL

Article GUID: 32293510

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