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Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status

Author(s): Wearn A; Tremblay SA; Tardif CL; Leppert IR; Gauthier CJ; Baracchini G; Hughes C; Hewan P; Tremblay-Mercier J; Rosa-Neto P; Poirier J; Villeneuve S; Schmitz TW; Turner GR; Spreng RN;

The neuromodulatory subcortical nuclei within the isodendritic core (IdC) are the earliest sites of tauopathy in Alzheimer's disease (AD). They project broadly throughout the brain's white matter. We investigated the relationship between IdC microstructure and whole-brain white matter mic ...

Article GUID: 38830849

Iron Deposition and Distribution Across the Hippocampus Is Associated with Pattern Separation and Pattern Completion in Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease

Author(s): Zhou J; Wearn A; Huck J; Hughes C; Baracchini G; Tremblay-Mercier J; Poirier J; Villeneuve S; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Daugherty AM; Gauthier CJ; Turner GR; Spreng RN;

Elevated iron deposition in the brain has been observed in older adult humans and persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and has been associated with lower cognitive performance. We investigated the impact of iron deposition, and its topographical distribution across hippocampal subfields and ...

Article GUID: 38388425

Integration of visual context in early and late bilingual language processing: evidence from eye-tracking

Author(s): Abashidze D; Schmidt A; Trofimovich P; Mercier J;

Previous research on the processing of language embedded in a rich visual context has revealed the strong effect that a recently viewed action event has on language comprehension. It has been shown that listeners are more likely to view the target object of a recently performed event than look at the target object of a plausible future event during senten ...

Article GUID: 37179896

Data and Tools Integration in the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform

Author(s): Poline JB; Das S; Glatard T; Madjar C; Dickie EW; Lecours X; Beaudry T; Beck N; Behan B; Brown ST; Bujold D; Beauvais M; Caron B; Czech C; Dharsee M; Dugré M; Evans K; Gee T; Ippoliti G; Kiar G; Knoppers BM; Kuehn T; Le D; Lo D; Mazaheri ...

We present the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) portal to answer the research community's need for flexible data sharing resources and provide advanced tools for search and processing infrastructure capacity. This portal differs from previous data sharing projects as it integrates d ...

Article GUID: 37024500

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