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Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;

Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...

Article GUID: 38846536

Rethinking narratives about youth experiencing homelessness: The influence of self-determined motivation and peer relations on coping

Author(s): Napoleon JS; Weva VK; Evans DW; Namdari R; Francois T; Sherman J; Morisseau N; Lafontant E; Atkinson K; Miller S; Kidd SA; Burack JA;

Using the cognitive appraisal theory of coping and the self-determination theory of motivation, we examined the shared variance of motivational orientations, attachment relationships, and gender on adaptive and maladaptive coping among youth experiencing homelessness. Several scales including The ...

Article GUID: 38031717

Motor Processing in Children With Cochlear Implants as Assessed by Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Author(s): Alemi R; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien A; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Koirala N; Gracco VL; Deroche M;

Auditory-motor and visual-motor networks are often coupled in daily activities, such as when listening to music and dancing; but these networks are known to be highly malleable as a function of sensory input. Thus, congenital deafness may modify neural activities within the connections between th ...

Article GUID: 37977135

Factors Associated with Speech-Recognition Performance in School-Aged Children with Cochlear Implants and Early Auditory-Verbal Intervention

Author(s): Wolfe J; Deroche M; Neumann S; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer EC; Gracco V;

<strong>Background:</strong> Considerable variability exists in the speech recognition abilities achieved by children with cochlear implants (CIs) due to varying demographic and performance variables including language abilities.

<strong>Purpose:</strong> This ar ...

Article GUID: 34847584

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