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CosSIF: Cosine similarity-based image filtering to overcome low inter-class variation in synthetic medical image datasets

Author(s): Islam M; Zunair H; Mohammed N;

Crafting effective deep learning models for medical image analysis is a complex task, particularly in cases where the medical image dataset lacks significant inter-class variation. This challenge is further aggravated when employing such datasets to generate synthetic images using generative adversarial networks (GANs), as the output of GANs heavily relie ...

Article GUID: 38492455

Knowledge distillation approach towards melanoma detection

Author(s): Khan MS; Alam KN; Dhruba AR; Zunair H; Mohammed N;

Melanoma is regarded as the most threatening among all skin cancers. There is a pressing need to build systems which can aid in the early detection of melanoma and enable timely treatment to patients. Recent methods are geared towards machine learning based systems where the task is posed as image recognition, tag dermoscopic images of skin lesions as mel ...

Article GUID: 35594685

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