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Overestimation of Postpartum Depression Prevalence Based on a 5-item Version of the EPDS: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis

Author(s): Thombs BD; Levis B; Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Negeri Z; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Vigod SN; Bhandari PM; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; ...

Objective: The Maternal Mental Health in Canada, 2018/2019, survey reported that 18% of 7,085 mothers who recently gave birth reported "feelings consistent with postpartum depression" based on scores =7 on a 5-item version of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS-5). The EPDS-5 was desi ...

Article GUID: 33104415

Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Levis B; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Bhandari PM; Negeri Z; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Boruff JT; Ioannidis JPA; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstei ...

Objectives: Estimates of depression prevalence in pregnancy and postpartum are based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) more than on any other method. We aimed to determine if any EPDS cutoff can accurately and consistently estimate depression prevalence in individual studies. Me ...

Article GUID: 33089942

Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Levis B; Benedetti A; Ioannidis JPA; Sun Y; Negeri Z; He C; Wu Y; Krishnan A; Bhandari PM; Neupane D; Imran M; Rice DB; Riehm KE; Saadat N; Azar M; Boruff J; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Kloda LA; McMillan D; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstein R ...

Objectives: Depression symptom questionnaires are not for diagnostic classification. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores =10 are nonetheless often used to estimate depression prevalence. We compared PHQ-9 =10 prevalence to Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Man ...

Article GUID: 32105798

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