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Human ageing is associated with more rigid concept spaces

Author(s): Devine S; Neumann C; Levari D; Eppinger B;

Prevalence-induced concept change describes a cognitive mechanism by which someone's definition of a concept shifts as the prevalence of instances of that concept changes. While this phenomenon has been established in young adults, it is unclear how it affects older adults. In this study, we explore how prevalence-induced concept change affects older ...

Article GUID: 36253591

Seizing the opportunity: Lifespan differences in the effects of the opportunity cost of time on cognitive control

Author(s): Devine S; Neumann C; Otto AR; Bolenz F; Reiter A; Eppinger B;

Previous work suggests that lifespan developmental differences in cognitive control reflect maturational and aging-related changes in prefrontal cortex functioning. However, complementary explanations exist: It could be that children and older adults differ from younger adults in how they balance the effort of engaging in control against its potential ben ...

Article GUID: 34384965

Infants Generalize Beliefs Across Individuals.

Author(s): Burnside K, Neumann C, Poulin-Dubois D

It has been argued that infants possess a rich, sophisticated theory of mind (ToM) that is only revealed with tasks based on spontaneous responses. A mature (ToM) implies the understanding that mental states are person specific. Previous studies on infants' understanding of motivational mental states, such as goals and preferences have revealed that, ...

Article GUID: 33071864

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