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Benchmarking macaque brain gene expression for horizontal and vertical translation

Author(s): Luppi AI; Liu ZQ; Hansen JY; Cofre R; Niu M; Kuzmin E; Froudist-Walsh S; Palomero-Gallagher N; Misic B;

The spatial patterning of gene expression shapes cortical organization and function. The macaque is a fundamental model organism in neuroscience, but the translational potential of macaque gene expression rests on the assumption that it is a good proxy for patterns of corresponding proteins (vert ...

Article GUID: 40020056

Correspondence between gene expression and neurotransmitter receptor and transporter density in the human brain

Author(s): Hansen JY; Markello RD; Tuominen L; Nørgaard M; Kuzmin E; Palomero-Gallagher N; Dagher A; Misic B;

Neurotransmitter receptors modulate signaling between neurons. Thus, neurotransmitter receptors and transporters play a key role in shaping brain function. Due to the lack of comprehensive neurotransmitter receptor/transporter density datasets, microarray gene expression measuring mRNA transcript ...

Article GUID: 36209794

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