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Endogenous tagging using split mNeonGreen in human iPSCs for live imaging studies

Author(s): Husser MC; Pham NP; Law C; Araujo FRB; Martin VJJ; Piekny A;

Endogenous tags have become invaluable tools to visualize and study native proteins in live cells. However, generating human cell lines carrying endogenous tags is difficult due to the low efficiency of homology-directed repair. Recently, an engineered split mNeonGreen protein was used to generate a large-scale endogenous tag library in HEK293 cells. Usin ...

Article GUID: 38652106

Seeing is believing: tools to study the role of Rho GTPases during cytokinesis

Author(s): Koh SP; Pham NP; Piekny A;

Cytokinesis is required to cleave the daughter cells at the end of mitosis and relies on the spatiotemporal control of RhoA GTPase. Cytokinesis failure can lead to changes in cell fate or aneuploidy, which can be detrimental during development and/or can lead to cancer. However, our knowledge of the pathways that regulate RhoA during cytokinesis is limite ...

Article GUID: 34405757

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