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Increased brain cholinergic innervation in isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder from prodromal multiple system atrophy

Author(s): Wickens RH; Postuma RB; de Villers-Sidani É; Pelletier A; Blinder S; Gagnon JF; Soucy JP; Montplaisir J; Bedard MA;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 37939636

A dataset of multi-contrast unbiased average MRI templates of a Parkinson's disease population

Author(s): Madge V; Fonov VS; Xiao Y; Zou L; Jackson C; Postuma RB; Dagher A; Fon EA; Collins DL;

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder affecting regions such as the substantia nigra (SN), red nucleus (RN) and locus coeruleus (LC). Processing MRI data from patients with PD requires anatomical structural references for spatial normalization and structural segmentation. Extending our previous work, we present multi-contras ...

Article GUID: 37213552

Insomnia disorder increases the risk of subjective memory decline in middle-aged and older adults: a longitudinal analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Author(s): Zhao JL; Cross N; Yao CW; Carrier J; Postuma RB; Gosselin N; Kakinami L; Dang-Vu TT;

Study objectives: To examine the longitudinal association between probable insomnia status and both subjective and objective memory decline in middle-aged and older adults. Methods: 26 363 participants, =45 years, completed baseline and follow-up (3 years after baseline) self-reported evaluations of sleep and memory, and neuropsychological testing in the ...

Article GUID: 35877203

Insomnia symptom subtypes and manifestations of prodromal neurodegeneration: a population-based study in the CLSA

Author(s): Yao CW; Pelletier A; Fereshtehnejad SM; Cross N; Dang-Vu T; Postuma RB;

Study objectives: To identify the association between insomnia symptoms and signs of prodromal neurodegeneration, including an analysis of potential differences between sleep-onset and sleep-maintenance insomnia. Methods: We included those aged 45-85 years, living in one of 10 Canadian provinces in between 2012-2015 (at the baseline), recruited via three ...

Article GUID: 34314348

Effects of menopause on sleep quality and sleep disorders: Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging.

Author(s): Zolfaghari S, Yao C, Thompson C, Gosselin N, Desautels A, Dang-Vu TT, Postuma RB, Carrier J

Menopause. 2019 Dec 13;: Authors: Zolfaghari S, Yao C, Thompson C, Gosselin N, Desautels A, Dang-Vu TT, Postuma RB, Carrier J

Article GUID: 31851117

Genetic, Structural, and Functional Evidence Link TMEM175 to Synucleinopathies

Author(s): Krohn L; Öztürk TN; Vanderperre B; Ouled Amar Bencheikh B; Ruskey JA; Laurent SB; Spiegelman D; Postuma RB; Arnulf I; Hu MTM; Dauvilliers Y; Högl B; Stefani A; Monaca CC; Plazzi G; Antelmi E; Ferini-Strambi L; Heidbreder A; Rudakou U; Co ...

Objective: The TMEM175/GAK/DGKQ locus is the 3rd strongest risk locus in genome-wide association studies of Parkinson disease (PD). We aimed to identify the specific disease-associated variants in this locus, and their potential implications. Methods: Full sequencing of TMEM175/GAK/DGKQ followed ...

Article GUID: 31658403

Brain cholinergic alterations in idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder: a PET imaging study with 18F-FEOBV.

Author(s): Bedard MA, Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Postuma RB, Soucy JP, Gagnon JF, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J

Sleep Med. 2019 Jan 06;58:35-41 Authors: Bedard MA, Aghourian M, Legault-Denis C, Postuma RB, Soucy JP, Gagnon JF, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J

Article GUID: 31078078

Association between insomnia disorder and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Author(s): Cross NE; Carrier J; Postuma RB; Gosselin N; Kakinami L; Thompson C; Chouchou F; Dang-Vu TT;

Objectives: This study examined the differences in cognitive function between middle-aged and older adults with insomnia disorder, insomnia symptoms only (ISO) or no insomnia symptoms (NIS), in the context of other health and lifestyle factors. Methods: Twenty-eight thousand four hundred eighty- ...

Article GUID: 31089710

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