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Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium

Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;

Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be used for prognostication and for assessing results of therapeutic trials. Tau PET and MRI volumetry are ...

Article GUID: 39782975


Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;

Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be used for prognostication and for assessing results of therapeutic trials. Tau PET and MRI volumetry are ...

Article GUID: 39784152

Bayesian workflow for the investigation of hierarchical classification models from tau-PET and structural MRI data across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum

Author(s): Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Pascoal T; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier F; Rosa-Neto P; Soucy JP; Rivaz H; Benali H;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis in its early stages remains difficult with current diagnostic approaches. Though tau neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) generally follow the stereotypical pattern described by the Braak staging scheme, the network degeneration hypothesis (NDH) has su ...

Article GUID: 37920382

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