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Teleconsultations for mental health: Recommendations from a Delphi panel

Author(s): Manera V; Partos C; Beauchet O; Benoit M; Dupetit B; Elbaum J; Fabre R; Gindt M; Gros A; Guerchouche R; Klöppel S; König A; Martin A; Mouton A; Pancrazi MP; Politis A; Robert G; Sacco G; Sacconi S; Sawchuk K; Solari F; Thiebot L; Trimarc ...

Introduction: The use of teleconsultations for mental health has drastically increased since 2020 due to the Covid19 pandemic. In the present paper, we aimed to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of teleconsultations for mental health compared to face-to-face consultations, and to provide r ...

Article GUID: 37655117

Fos expression is increased in oxytocin neurons of female rats with a sexually conditioned mate preference for an individual male rat.

Author(s): Mac Cionnaith CE, Lemay A, Gomez-Perales EL, Robert G, Cernik R, Brake W, Pfaus JG

Horm Behav. 2019 Oct 21;:104612 Authors: Mac Cionnaith CE, Lemay A, Gomez-Perales EL, Robert G, Cernik R, Brake W, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31647923

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