Author(s): Bothe B; Tóth-Király I; Popova N; Nagy L; Koós M; Demetrovics Z; Potenza MN; Kraus SW; Ballester-Arnal R; Batthyány D; Bergeron S; Billieux J; Briken P; Burkauskas J; Cárdenas-López G; Carvalho J; Castro-Calvo J; Chen L; Ciocca G; Corazz ...
Background and aims: The Moral Incongruence Model of Pornography Use proposes that pornography-use-related problems may be present due to problematic pornography use (PPU) and/or moral disapproval (MD) of pornography use. Despite some supporting empirical evidence, no study has tested the presenc ...
Article GUID: 39945767
Author(s): Afnan J; Cai Z; Lina JM; Abdallah C; Delaire E; Avigdor T; Ros V; Hedrich T; von Ellenrieder N; Kobayashi E; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;
Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the ...
Article GUID: 38994740
Author(s): Kornblatt JA, Quiros V, Kornblatt MJ
PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0135754 Authors: Kornblatt JA, Quiros V, Kornblatt MJ
Article GUID: 26287818
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